
Vitor Szpiz do Nascimento



Vitor works in court, arbitration, and administrative disputes of high complexity. Master in Contemporary Civil Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), he is specialized in International Commercial Arbitration from the American University – Washington College of Law. Vitor was a speaker at Willem C. VIS International Commercial Arbitration Moot and an advisor to Equipe de Competição e Estudos em Arbitragem Nacional e Internacional of FND/UFRJ.

Vitor is an associate with LDCM Advogados, which was his first internship. He has experience in court, arbitration, and administrative disputes of high complexity.

Victor holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and a Master’s Degree in International Commercial Arbitration from the American University – Washington College of Law.

He was a speaker at Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot and an advisor to Equipe de Competição e Estudos em Arbitragem Nacional e Internacional Team of Competition and Studies in Domestic and International Arbitration of FND/UFRJ, where he graduated from.

Selected relevant cases:

Represented an American private equity fund as the defendant in a suit pending at the bankruptcy court in São Paulo filed by the estate to collect the value of the bankruptcy liability due to abuse of economic power and/or disregard of the legal entity.

Represented an airport concessionaire as the defendant in a suit filed by an airline concerning the transfer of amounts received from passengers as boarding fees.

Represented an association of bars and restaurants in court to question the municipal decree that limited operating hours during the pandemic.

Represented the president arbitrator listed as the defendant in a suit filed by a government entity to annul the arbitration award.

Represented a real estate entity in arbitration related to the delay in construction and delivery of real estate developments in Brasilia.

Represented an American private equity fund in a court suit discussing the lack of conditions precedent for the disregard of the legal entity of the investor.

Represented a factoring company in the execution of an extrajudicially enforceable instrument against a university and its administrators.

Represented a construction company in arbitration due to delays in constructing wind power generation and transmission lines.

Represented the seller in a dispute arising from the sale of a corporate stake signed with a French multinational due to a breach of representations and warrants concerning non-competition obligations.

Represented landowners in a rental case related to the rental of the operating base of an oil extraction and exploration company.

Represented the owner of a real estate development in the pre-arbitration injunction to determine the court deposit of amounts due under a securitization transaction and issuance of Certificates of Real Estate Receivables and in a subsequent arbitration.

Represented a multinational of the energy sector in arbitration arising from a contract of contract for the assembly of equipment for the operation of a hydroelectric plant.

Represented an e-sports company in a pre-arbitration injunction to obtain compliance with non-competition obligations signed after the termination of a commercial partnership and in a subsequent arbitration.

Represented an Italian multinational in court to discuss the proper operation of machinery sold under an international purchase and sale contract with a jurisdiction clause electing the exclusive venue of foreign courts.

Languages: Portuguese and English.

Vitor Szpiz do Nascimento

Bachelor of Law, National Law School – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Practical Course in Arbitration Law, offered by Escola Superior de Advocacia, Brazilian Bar Association, Section of Rio de Janeiro.

Specialization in International Commercial Arbitration (American University – Washington College of Law).

Master’s Degree in Civil Law – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC Rio.

Monitor of the Practical Course in Arbitration Law, offered by Escola Superior de Advocacia, Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro.

Speaker at Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.

Speaker at the Brazilian Competition of Arbitration Petronio Muniz.

Orientator of Equipe de Competição e Estudos em Arbitragem Nacional e Internacional of FND/UFRJ.

Associate of LDCM – Leonardo de Campos Melo Advogados.

Intern at Sergio Bermudes Advogados.

Co-author of “Memórias do desenvolvimento da arbitragem no Brasil” (OAB, 2018).

Distinguindo Constituições Dirigentes: uma análise de direito comparado.” Revista de Direito Constitucional e Internacional (v. 119, p. 273-292).